5th Class students of Tiarnach’s N.S Students designed and create a ceramic/ clay fired models of their town. Clones Our town Project was informed by the student’s investigation of the features of Clones through their own drawings, historical walking tours. The project was facilitated by two artists Joanne Behan & Eimear Crowe. During the making of the model students learned about ceramic clay techniques and how to design a sculpture from their own drawings and animation with Grace Haynes Creative Associate at St. Tiarnachs. Clones has such a wealth of historical buildings of importance that are so rich in culture & heritage including the Cassandra Hand Centre, Canal Stores which has the Clones Lace exhibition, Clones Art Studio, the round tower, old graveyard etc.
The Project was funded by Creative Schools, Blast and Cruinniú na nÓg initiatives. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nPPVi44xeok |